Artist Talk: Tibor Kalman


Project Details

These posters were designed to advertise a theoretical questions and answers session with the late Tibor Kalman. A renowned artist who sought to challenge mundane design thinking and aspired to create unpredictable work. Kalman is most well known for his as editor-in-chief of Colors magazine but he was also associated with brands such as Barnes & Noble, Limited Corporation and new wave rock group Talking Heads.


I began by studying Kalman’s past work to narrow down significant elements of his work. This would include aspects such as color, anatomy, equality, political activism, contrast, diagonal lines, unpredictability, boldness, diversity and controversy. I, then, designed these two posters, influenced by my interpretation of these elements in his works.


Below you will find some examples of Tibor Kalman’s work which formed the basis of my interpretations.


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